Sunday 17 July 2011


So here you are. The ACRE Forethought. A sweet experiment of entertainment that should have you rolling if not reading on floor laughing. The intellectual ROFL, if you will. Saying that, There's nothing intellectual about anything I write.

So what exactly is this experiment aiming to achieve?

Well i'll tell you by explaining what this is. 

The four members of the ACRE have each been given a topic to write about each month. We're given a word count cap of 1500 words (NO MORE LUKE!). Each entry is then posted on the same feed at the same time. You can now experience (hopefully) four different views/experiences that are inspired by the months topic.

And that's it. There will be a very funny/moving/interesting/nonsensical update at the end of each month. Not necessarily in that order. 

P.s. mine will be the awesomest one.


What would you get if you asked four close friends to write about the same topic?  Would they overlap, or would they be wildly different?  Would it be interesting to see?  If you read this blog then you will find out what happens when these specific four friends do just that.

This is The ACREs FourThoughts; we pick a topic every month and the four of us who make up The ACRE write about it.

It could be funny, it could be interesting, it could be pointless and it could be Rotterdam.

It could be anything, and it will be.


The four men sat huddled, swathed in darkness in the back of the tavern.
"We shall each of us pick four topics and place them hence, unto the sacred recepticle."  
They pulled the cowls about their faces and rocked in excitement.
"Following this, each shall draw out three snippets of parchment, travelling widdershins until the writing year  hath been planned for we four."

All of a sudden, in burst The ACRE, and, ululating their fuckulence, destryed the four cowled  imposters in a flash of awesomness that made Lion-O seem like Lame-O (oho!).
"This is a tidy good idea that youse four are implementing! We'se gonna nick it!"
"Yeah, you lot are fucking sods!"

What you read here is the result of that night's murderous coup d'etat.  

We are The ACRE, we are fucking top guys and mad cunts.  Read this, or else.  
(Please read this, we try very hard.) 


So, as I was saying, if you need something done right you have to do it four times. That’s what this is. A blog done right, wherein the four members of the ACRE each take a stab at the same topic (No, not the chocolate bar. You eat them with your fingers.) and see how very different they actually are. It might be awful, it might be repetitive and it might be time consuming but it will be right. Or is it wrong (I always get those two mixed up). Well, fuck off and don’t come knocking round these parts again. Pervert. The nerve of some people. Sorry, that wasn’t aimed at you, just him and he knows what he’s done. This is a worthy experiment and if you are willing to give it the time we will too and this shit is real. Four view points on the same subject every month (like a life drawing class but with words. Sure, one of us will be staring at the arse but you wouldn’t want a lady without one.) so there will be something for everyone. So why don’t you have some forethought and come read this before you ruin your appetite on that Stumble button (other buttons are available). Thank you.


Dafydd Evans
Adam Gilder
Gethin Down
Luke Sampson

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