Thursday 21 March 2013

The Ming dynasty of the Vaze empire circa 3942 AD

This is a title that scared me as soon as i picked it from the hat. Not because i had no idea what to write. Not at all! It's because i recognized a vast responsibility that was bestowed on myself. 
I have to leave a legacy fit to last just under 2000 years to make this title more than nonsense. I have researched the eastern ways of power by playing the game Jade Empire and i think i have a plan on how to complete the mission.
What i learned is that to have your own empire you must overthrow the existing empire. It will be a battle of wits and fist with a few bosses along the way. You will need a team of friends or followers, each with unique abilities to aid you on your journey. That's you! You must start recruiting as our enemy is vast. They have a special army of non-human soldiers known as golems, or in modern terms "Trolls". These are ruthless creatures hell bent on draining morale of anyone with an opinion or creative drive. 
The secret to defeating the trolls is perseverance, kung fu and gumption. Ignorance is another way to deal with the trolls however it wont defeat them as they will just find someone else to pester and crush. We can't let this happen! We must fight, fight, relax, fight and kill. This will be very time consuming but the results will be effective and necessary. 
Once the trolls are dealt with there will be a lovely kissing/ love scene between (judging by my play through's of the game) two girls which i think is pretty empowering and might even piss of the leaders of the empire twofold or something like that. Then you will face your old master and realise that he used and trained you for his own benefit and you must defeat him/her in an epic boss battle. Make sure you have a vast stamina or powerful magic as to avoid his swift maneuvers.
When your master is defeated we must assert ourselves over the masses of needy people. We must be clever and convincing. We'll need a symbol that unifies the world, creating our own empire. The Vaze Empire. We shall create Ming pots out of the bones of the defeated trolls and final bosses. We'll get artists to decorate them and they'll then be admired and appreciated by all! We shall rule toe world! In a nice way of course.

So. If we start now, we'll get it done by about 3942 AD i think. SO GET RECRUITING!